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Baltimore's story, like many American cities, is haunted by its past. Generations of enslavement, Jim Crow laws, and systematic segregation have carved deep wounds into its neighborhoods. These aren't just historical footnotes — they're living legacies that continue to shape life in Baltimore's urban communities and African American neighborhoods across the nation.

This isn't ancient history. The effects ripple through our streets today, creating cycles of poverty and disadvantage that have become almost impossible to break. Every boarded-up building, every underfunded school, every struggling family tells a story that traces back to these discriminatory policies.

The crisis demands more than acknowledgment — it demands action. Each day we wait, these problems sink deeper roots into our communities, threatening not just Baltimore or individual neighborhoods, but the very foundations of American society. We can't build a strong nation while ignoring the cracks in our foundation.

The time for change isn't tomorrow or next year. It's now.